Minutes of the May 2, 2005



Present were the following board members: Beth Johnson, Adam Sarauskas.


The following homeowners were also present: Sandy Worzala, Dave Hanck, Carole Crum, and Donna Palmer.


Treasurer’s Report: Adam distributed a summary of the income and expenses for the first quarter of 2005.  Net income for 2005 is currently $14,367.73.  

Assets for the Association currently are $57,338.28.

It was determined that any unusual bills would be submitted to the President for approval for payment. Ordinary and recurrent bills will be submitted directly to Avenue 1000.


President’s Report: Last month a covenant violation report was received regarding a dog loose outside of a homeowners’ lot lines. The President wrote a violation notice to the homeowner and the situation was resolved.


Committee Reports


Club House: Carole Crum reported that the heating and air conditioning were checked and several repairs were done. The committee needs help from someone to pick up 8-foot tables at Sams Club. Please call Carole Crum or Arlene Wymer if you have a truck and can help.


Pool:  Dave Hanck reported that three pool attendants have been hired from the YMCA. Homeowners in the subdivision are splitting up the duties to open and close the pool. New flow meter, pressure gauge, keypad and photo-synthesizer for the lights have been installed. The Pool Rules will be distributed this month. The pool will open Memorial Day weekend.


Grounds: Dave Hanck has been working very hard in getting the work lined up for new gravel on the path around the lake. He reported that English and Sons, Inc. will be installing new gravel on the path next week. Total cost will be $4365.

The tennis court nets will be put up this month.


By Laws and Covenants: There was quite a bit of discussion regarding covenant violations. Although specific violations have not occurred, we remind all homeowners to be considerate of their neighbors and keep their property neat and clean. This only helps our neighborhood to remain a beautiful place to live.


Website Reminder: The Oak Creek website has pages for homeowners to list services they offer (babysitting, cat sitting, lawn cutting, etc) or recommendations of service providers that they had good experience with.  Send any information to webmaster@oakcreekhomeowners.org.


Next Meeting: Monday June 6, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at Oak Creek Clubhouse.