Minutes of the February 13, 2006



Called to order at 7:00 p.m., present were the following board members: Ned Hurley, Jim Lee, Eric Paetzel and Tom Hytry.


The following homeowners were also present: Carole Crum, Dean & Chris Fisher, Don Hahn, Dave Hanck, Ellen Larson, Gwen Meyer, Jean Paetzel, Judy & Doug Palmer and Sandy Worzala.


Treasurer’s Report: Adam was not at the meeting but submitted before the meeting the

2005 expense report for the association.  This will be placed on the Minutes page of OakCreekHomeowners.org web site.


Committee Reports: No committee reports.  A list of people that volunteer for this years committee is listed at the end of these minutes.


Old Business:  Roads in the subdivision are now scheduled to be done in May.


New Business: A new committee was formed.  The “Improvement:” committee is to look into area for improving the subdivision.  Areas that they are looking at are: clubhouse, Parking Lots, Tennis Courts, Pond, Hwy 71 Entrance Ways, etc.   The committee is to look into the cost of the improvement and prepare report on what our options are.


The board will then survey the homeowners on what we want to do.


Anyone wishing to help on this committee or any other please contact a person list below that is on that committee.


List of Committees and People:


Architectural                             Assessment & Finance              By-Laws

Jim Less                                   Adam Sarauskas                                  Tom Hytry

David Price                              Don Hahn

Ned Hurley                              Rick Worzala


Clubhouse Operation                Grounds                                               Pool

Sandy Worzala             Eric Paetzel                                          Dave Hanck

Carole Crum                            Doug Palmer                                        George Booras

Ariene Wymer                          Adam Sarauskas                                  Donna Palmer

                                                                                                            Mike & Jean

Social                                       Improvements                                                   Brommer

Tom Hytry                                Judy & Doug Palmer

Gwen Meyer                            Jim Lee

Ellen Larson                             Ned & Sandy Hurley

                                                Eric Paetzel

                                                Dean Fisher.