Minutes of the December 5, 2005



Called to order at 7:00 p.m., present were the following board members: Beth Johnson, Jim Lee and Tom Hytry.


The following homeowners were also present: Carole Crum, Don Hahn, Ned Hurley and Sandy Worzala.


Treasurer’s Report: Beth gave a report that as of Oct. 31, 2005, we have a net income of $4660 for the year of 2005. Two homeowners are 3 months behind in their assessments. We will keep an eye on that.


President’s Report: The board accepted the resignation of Mark Faulhaber from the board. Mark was in the first year of his two-year team.  His resignation means that there will be three openings to fill at the Annual Homeowners meeting in January.


Committee Reports


Club House: The Clubhouse committee reminds the homeowners that the clubhouse is available for rent by Oak Creek Homeowners.  Information on what is involved is on the Oakcreekhomeowners.org site under clubhouse. Beth will call the locksmith to have the deadbolt lock fixed on the outside door to the large room.


Architectural: Jim Lee will present at the annual homeowners meeting in January examples of roofing that may be approved by the Architectural committee.  He will have cost estimates for installing and a list of homes that have used the materials on their roofs.


Annual Homeowners meeting and election is set for Monday, January 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.  There are openings for three board members. We encourage everyone to be thinking about membership on the Board of Directors. If you can’t be a board member, we would like each of you to consider being on a committee. The more homeowners are involved, the better place Oak Creek is to live. The committees are as follows: Architectural, Assessment and Finance, By-Laws, Clubhouse Operations, Grounds, and Pool.  Please let the board know if you would like to be on a committee.


New Business: It was decided beginning next year that a social committee will be added to the list of committees. The purpose of the social committee will be to plan a number of neighborhood get togethers in the coming year. 


Adjourned at 7:24 p.m.