February 8,2020 – ZOOM MEETING



7:01pm start – called to order


In Attendance:

Board Members – Ted Ergo, Linda Grahovec, Eric Paetzel, Ray Mertens, Tom Hytry


Community –  Sandy Worzala, Jean Paetzel,  George Booras, Jeanne Brommer, Dave Hanck,

Luis Aguirre (new neighbor at 11 Oak Creek Dr.)


 Haleas Group LLC – Mandy Briggs.


The minutes of the January Board Meeting were approved.


Finance: As of December 31, 2020:  Checking $36,500 and Reserves $107,500.


Haleas group does not prepare the Association Tax statement (AVE 1000 did) but have provided.

a few names to do them. Ted is also looking into it.  The Tax Preparation cost should be

around $300.


Pond: Due to weather (snow cover) no work has been done except consolidate of the brush piles.


Committee Reports:


Grounds Committee: If anyone is interested in firewood (unsplit) there was a number of trees

along the path that we cut down this last fall.  If interested contact Ted Ergo to determine which

downed trees can be removed.


Thanks to George Booras for plowing a walking path through the two clubhouse driveways and connecting sidewalk

with his sown blow equipped riding lawn mower.


Clubhouse Committee: Luis Aguitte (new neighbor at 11 Oak Creek) rented  the clubhouse on February 6 and was

very pleased with it.


Clubhouse windows in the process of being replaced, should be done my next month’s minutes.


Pool: The person we had to do the opening and closing of the pool is no longer available.

Looker for a new opener/closer.


Welcome Committee: Luis Aguitte welcomed to neighbor.


Adjourned at 7:35


March Meeting: March 8 at 7:00 – same ZOOM information.