Thank Letter from the Board to those who helped on the Playground Project:


(Note: Gene Dunne names doesn’t appear in the letter since he is the author of

the Letter – but was also one of the major movers for the project.)


Ray Mertens, Ed Grahovec, George & April, Carson & Natelie Booras, Tom Larson, Jeff & Beth Johnson, Ted Ergo, Todd Ramlo, Ed Doepel and Dave Hanck all helped with unloading the playground from the trucks, installing the main station and merry go round and installing the border, spreading the landscaping fabric and the 24,300 pounds of mulch. Carol Crum was thoughtful enough to bring much needed and appreciated water to keep us hydrated.


Adding a little PIZAZ to the new playground, Dave Hank and George Booras took a grinder to the old swingset and put a new coat of John Deere green paint on it so it matched the new equipment and Ed Grahovec was instrumental in installing the gooseneck basketball hoop which is exactly 10 feet off the ground :) The man is a perfectionist.


In addition, a special thanks to Ray Mertens who saved us hundreds of dollars by hiring Jorge and his associates to install the main station, and Ray volunteered to help with the entire installation from start to finish and went way beyond the call of duty unloading the 24,300 lbs of mulch. That was no easy task!


And there's more!  The new park benches are coming tomorrow and I'll install them as soon as I get a chance.  They will put the final touch on our newest enhancement of the Oak Creek community.


Every Oak Creek neighbor that has passed bye has nothing but compliments for the new playground and want to pass those compliments on to everyone that pitched in and the Board for approving the project. For me, I just had fun! And the most rewarding part was working side by side with some great neighbors.  So, I thank all of you!