Minutes of the February 11, 2019 Oak
Creek HOA Board Meeting |
members present: Ted Ergo, Ellen Larson, Eric Paetzel
and Tom Hytry.
following homeowners were also present: Nabil Fayoumi,
Judy Palmer and Michael Davis.
Monthly Board Meeting:
minutes of the January Board meeting were approved.
General: The
board has asked each committee to provide a list of on-going periodic expenses
and the dates that they are due so we have a record. This will be useful for budgets and to help
new people get on board.
Grounds: We are getting multiple estimates for the
replacement of the monument on Winding Creek entrance to
be submitted to our insurance company.
There is presently no chairperson or committee
members for the Grounds Committee. Ellen Larson is the Board liaison for this
Survived the polar
vortex with no problems.
Palmer requested that everyone with keys to the clubhouse add their names to
the "Key List". Please contact Judy if you have keys so she can add
you to this list.
Pool: No report
ARC: No Report
Social Committee: No Report
Welcome Committee: No report.
Finance: 57K
in checking. 55K in reserves. 20K from checking will be
transferred to a money market fund.
Eric Paetzel
responded to a question about finances asked by Dorothy Jarman at the last
Board meeting. He reported that expenses relating to the walking path,
repairing cracks in the driveway and repairing the tennis courts had
erroneously been shown in the column with kitchen remodel.
Dog: A concern was raised last month about a resident’s dog. Both about its barking and the placement for
its kennel. Ted has investigated and it
was not that resident’s dog. He also
found no problems with
placement of the kennel.
Note: The board wishes to remind homeowners that they are solely
responsible for the behavior of their pets.
Lot 7: Ellen Larson still working on the paper work.
No Board meeting in March - Next Association Board meeting is scheduled
for Monday, April 8, 2019 INCLUDED WITH THE 3/01/19