February 2018 Oak Creek Association Meeting


Minutes of the February 12, 2018  Homeowners Association Meeting:


 All board members present: Ted Ergo, Ellen Larson, Linda Grahovec, Eric Paetzel and Tom Hytry


The following homeowners were also present: Dorothy Jarman, Jim & Janice Lee, Kim & John Baer, Carole Crum, Gene & Eileen Dunne, George Booras, Nabil Fayoumi, Doug & Judy Palmer and Beth Johnson.


Grounds: Need to mulch entrance area and around pool and club house. It wasn’t done last year.


Path: Last year an extra weed spraying was done and the growth around the pond was cut back.

The committee is revisiting what needs to be done to improve the path and will obtain written cost estimates on various materials. We are currently putting aside funds in the budget for the path which was the top priority identified by homeowners in last year's survey.


Pool: Pool committee is all ready planning for next year. "April Booras submitted a description of Pool Committee responsibilities.


Clubhouse (Kitchen Project): Kitchen committee presented a proposal to remodel the kitchen. (see proposal below these minutes on the minutes web page.)

Ellen Larson voiced concern about the cost seeing how few rentals was have of the clubhouse each year.

It’s hoped that an improved kitchen would lead to more rentals.


The Kitchen has not been remodeled since the subdivision was formed and with the redoing of the fireplace room and west hall (due to the roof damage) it was decided it was time.  The fund for the kitchen is coming for funds leftover from the insurance payment for the roofs. All labor will be provided by homeowner volunteers.


The board unanimously approved a motion to proceed with the remodeling based on the Kitchen committee proposal and capping the cost at $7.2k.


Tennis Courts: Special committee formed to research the costs of repairing the courts and adding “pickle game lines” to them.  It was suggested that we should look into turning the courts into an ice skating rink in the winter.

Jim Lee is heading up the committee.


There was a discussion concerning various ways to dispose of the sandbags holding down the tarp.


Finance: 35K in Checking, 52K in Reserves. (Does not include the $6,800 set aside for the Kitchen project.)


New Committee Forms: Linda Grahovec is putting a list of committee members together. To help with it and to attract more volunteers Linda is putting together a committee volunteer form which will be in this month’s assessment letter and on the web site.


We will be putting a committee web page which list the committee and their duties.


Welcome Committee: Ted Ergo is heading up a new Welcome committee – more information at the next meeting.


Speeding in Oak Creek:  It was noted there is a problem with vehicle speeding in the subdivision including the school buses.  Ted Ergo will be sending a letter from the association to the local police and school bus company expressing our concerns.


Garbage (beer and wine containers): There has been an increase in the amount of garbage left on the road in the subdivision.  If anyone sees cars dumping garbage please note the car type and/or license plates if possible.



Next board meeting: The second Monday in March; March 12 starting at 7:00 p.m