Quick descriptions of the other slides:

RateCommon.PNG --> Homeowners were asked to rank how good a job they felt our Common Areas were maintained.  1 was the best, 10 was the worst.  70% of the homeowners felt Semper Fi was doing a good job.

  chartdecision.PNG --> What were the major factors in deciding to live here?  Almost 60% of the homeowners were attracted to the idea of having a swimming pool in the neighborhood. 46% were attracted by the large wooded lots, and so on...

  Changes.PNG --> What one thing would you change about the community?  The most common write in answer was improving the quality of: Clubhouse Common Areas, Walking Path, entrances - basically concentrating on improving the curb appeal of the community.

  top9.PNG --> The most difficult one to rank, we asked homeowners to rank things that were most important to them from 1 to 9 (10 was a write in).  If you voted something as 1, it had a weight of 10 points, 2 had a weight of 9 points, etc.  We tallied up the votes (5 people picked it as #1, 2 people as #2, 11 as #8, etc.).  We will be keeping the results in mind over the next year as to where the OCHA board should be concentrating their time/efforts.
