Minutes of the July 6, 2015 meeting of the board of the Oak Creek Homeowners Association


Board member present: Al Harderson, Kim Baer, Mike & Rebecca Bender and Tom Hytry.


The following homeowners were also present: Jeanne Brommer, Dorothy Jarman  Jim Lee, Dave Hanck, Fred Krug, Sandy Worzala..


Pool:  Inspected: need to add  temperature control safety device that is external to the heater - ~$650.  Some minor updates with signs and replacement of  wing nuts.  


Grounds: Path will be sprayed for weeds.  Entrance lights that are out will be replaced.

(This is a ongoing problem)


Tennis Courts: The tennis courts have been resurfaced at a cost of ~12K.


The courts are for tennis only with correct shoes.  Any other use such has riding bikes on it only makes them wear faster and will cost the association (homeowners) more money in the future. 


The pool attendants will be trying to enforce the tennis only rule.


3 Oak Creek Drive: Empty. Broken window in back – reported to both the bank and Sheriff department.  Association is having it mowed and billing the bank.


Morgan Creek Drainage District: From Jim Lee (on the district board.)  Looks like cost to homeowners will be about $10 per year on tax bill.  The district will at some point clean  up the fallen tree and what not in the part of the creek that flows through the subdivision.


(Needed if the area above is cleanup since we will be getting more water through it.)


Oak Creek Garage Sale: Friday October 2 and Saturday October 3.


Homeowners directory:  We have a Oak Creek homeowner’s directory.  I only give it out via email to Oak Creek homeowners.  To get a copy or see if your information is correct contact me at tom@hytry.net.


Next Board meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 3.