Minutes of the October 3, 2011



Called to order at 7:00 p.m., the following board members were present: Dorothy Jarman, Fred Krug, Gene Dunn and Tom Hytry. 


The following homeowners were also present:  Tom  Novak and Sandy Worzala.  


Finance:  We have 70K in reserve.  With the pool closed it will be increasing during the next few months.


Grounds: Walking path was sprayed for weeds.  The board approved a proposal for redoing the landscaping for the front and sides of the clubhouse and the path between the driveways.  Cost is $3600.


The board also renewed its snow removal contract with “Snow Command”.


 Sorry for bringing this up for the second month in a row but there are still some homeowners that are not cleaning up after their dogs. Please clean up after your pooches when walking them in the neighborhood.


New Years: I had no replies last month about having a progressive New Years Eve Dinner so I am trying once again.  In the past we have had a progressive New Years Eve Dinner party with drinks and appetizer at the first house, dinner at the second, and party to the New Year at the last.  We cater the food and split the cost among the participants.  If anyone is interested in hosting, please contact Tom Hytry at tom@hytry.net.


Next Board meeting will be at 7:00 on the first Monday, November 7.