Minutes of the December 6, 2010



Called to order at 7:01 p.m., board members present: Dorothy Jarman, Jim Lee, and Tom Hytry. 


The following homeowners were also present:  Carole Crum, Sandy Worzala, and Tom Novak.  



The meeting was a very short with the only action being the approval of the Semper Fi Yard ground contract for next year.  They are the same people that did the grounds work this year and will be doing it with no increase in cost of 2011.


Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting to elect new board members will be the second Monday in January (January 10). Three new board members will be elected. The three openings are the seats held by Jim Lee, Fred Krug and Tom Hytry.  Both Fred Krug and Tom Hytry plan to run again.


Fred Krug will be giving an over view of this year’s financials.


This meeting is a good time for homeowners to give input into what the board should do or not do in the coming year. 



Next Meeting: The next meeting will be the Annual Metting (see above) January 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the club house.