Minutes of the April 5, 2010



Called to order at 7:05 p.m., the following board members were present:  George Booras, Dave Hanck and Tom Hytry. 


The following homeowner was also present: Sandy Worzala.  


Finance: The association current assets are ~$56K an increase of about 3K over last month.

March is a good month in that there are very few pool, and ground expenses.


Pool: The electrical work on the pool for 2010 has been completed


IL Highway 71: IDOT is currently looking at improving Route 71 from IL 47 to Orchard Rd.

To follow what is happening you can go to their website: http://www.dot.il.gov/ilroute71/index.html


IDOT next meeting on Route 71 is in July.  Jeff Johnson with be representing Oak Creek.


Next Meeting: The next meeting will be the first Monday in May (May 3) at 7:00 p.m.