Minutes of the April 6, 2009



Called to order at 7:00 p.m., the following board members were present: Jim Lee, Ned Hurley, Eric Paetzel  and Tom Hytry. 


The following homeowners were also present: Sandy Hurley, Tom Novak,Donna Palmer, Dave Hanck, Jean Paetzel, Ed & Ruth Doepel,  Gene & Eileen Dunne.


Finance: The 2009 Association Budget was passed out for comments at the meeting and will be voted on at the next meeting.  The budget is printed on the other side of these minutes and is on the website oakcreekhomeowners.org.


Grounds:  Eric Paetzel and Jim Lee reported on estimates that they have received to either redo or repave the back clubhouse parking lot.  The estimated ranged in cost from $12600 to $24850 depending on what we want done.  There was a suggestion that we reduce the size of the back parking lot to reduce costs.  Eric will be getting more information on options for the next meeting.The front entrances are being cleaned up and a light fixed.


Pool Committee: The 2009 swim committee would like to welcome you to the swim season. The present committee is made up of myself, Dave Hanck, and George Booras. Dave has been the past chairperson for quite a few years. This year I have accepted the position to let Dave have a rest.  George and I have been on the committee many years.  We would appreciate any offers to help with the pool this year.  Marge Tunnell will be back as our Head Attendant and her husband John performs many jobs around the pool for us.  Becky Worzala will also be back this year as pool attendant. Marge and Becky have done a wonderful job for us in the past and we look forward to seeing them this yeas. We are currently looking for one more part-time attendant. We are looking for someone not in the association first, due to the fact that, familiarity sometimes makes enforcing pool rules difficult. If we are unable to find another attendant soon, we would like to interview association members that might be interested. We would prefer someone with life-guarding experience and 17 y.o. or older. Please let me know at 630-553-2750 or jopdhp60@msn.com.  The rules for this season are on the Association internet site at oakcreekhomeowners.com. The Oak Creek Resident log forms are located under pool in the web site at the bottom of the page. The committee hopes that you have a wonderful swim season and again join our committee if you are able. Thank You Donna Palmer 630-553-2750


Good News: The lot that had the fire has been purchased and the new owners, Gene & Eileen Dunne, plan to start construction in about a year..


Association Golf Outing: At the February association social a number of people were interested in having an association golf outing.  Jim Lee has volunteered to organize it.  If you are interest in being part of it please contact Jim Lee at 630-553-8828 orlee.59@live.com


Next Meeting: The next meeting will be the first Monday in May (May 4) at 7:00 p.m.