Minutes of the May 5, 2008



Called to order at 7:00 p.m., the following board members were present:  Eric Paetzel, Jim Lee  and Tom Hytry. 


The following homeowners were also present: Jean Paetzel, Dave Hanck, Rick Vertin , Sandy Worzala, John and Donna Palmer.


Tennis Courts: The new tennis courts should be finished by the time you read these minutes.


Due to wear and tear on the surface of the new courts, they are to be used only for playing tennis.

The surface coating contains sand and if used for other things will wear off rapidly. Because of this no bikes or skateboarding will be allowed. Signs will be posted to this effect.


Parents: stress to your children that they should not be on the tennis courts except to play tennis and wearing tennis shoes.


The association did not install gates on the courts which saved $600 dollar.  If homeowners use the courts for thing other than tennis gates will need to be installed.


Pool: The pool will open Saturday May 24.  Pool forms and rules can be found on the pool web page of our web site: oakcreekhomeowners.org


Next Meeting: The next meeting will be the first Monday in June (June 2) at 7:00 p.m.